Friday, September 08, 2006

Puneet, my friend..

I show my blog to Puneet. He reads, pours out some characteristic obscenities and declares that this 'creating-forgetting' does happen unless you are 'Puneet Pandey'!

Aha, so puneet has a blog! Interesting, I never knew. I ask Puneet to show it to me..he says defensively ' there's nothing there..' but I want to see it anyhow. I ask him for the URL. He says it's on I open e-blogger.It is not a blogging site. For the next 5 minutes, Puneet frantically searches for his blog..He remembers naming it 'Chaiwala'. Tries google. There are numerous chaiwala blogs. Opens up a few links, reads a little and closes the chapter with 'people write a lot of interesting shit..'

Ladies and gentleman,that's mrpuneetpandey for you!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mental Blog?

This is not the first blog that I have created..If this one doesn't work out, I will never try creating one ever again, I suspect.

The problem starts with the name. First, I try to think of something smart. But with millions of people already having blogs, the chances of coming up with a previously unthought of 'smart name' are remote. After several tries, I get irritated. Blogger, realising my limited abilities, tries to help me out with some suggestions, but it obviously does not know anything about 'sounding intelligent'. I try wierd combinations and settle for anything that is available. Step 1 taken.

Step 2 is posting the first log. Realising that this one is going to define the rest of my blogging career, I become conscious. This time I want to sound insightful. Or Wise. Or at least funny.
But no help this time either. So again I just type in something. just for the heck of it!

All right, now I have a blog of my own..
Cut to some days later. I feel like writing something and now I have a blog to write it on. I am smiling..but wait! What was the name of the blog that i created..and where did i create it?
I try hard to recall but it's a memory leak.

I'm back to step 1 of a new blog.